Saturday, June 28, 2008

Podcasting and Vodcasting

Today I did the podcasting and vodcasting portion of our assignment. I listened to episode 47 of Uncontrolled Vocabulary where another GBPL blogger's assesment of an episode was commented upon! I wasn't terribly interested in the topics of the episode but as they change weekly I might have just chosen an off week. I would not sign up to hear this regularly. As far as podcasts in general go, it would be a great way to make sure you didn't miss any of your favorites. I listen to a radio station that provides vodcasts but I have not yet listened to any. Perhaps if I had more time (or a longer commute) I would consider this. I am not sure how GBPL could use this. Perhaps if we had a guest speaker whose presentation would come across well in audio, this method could be used.

For the vodcasting portion I watched a video made by the Burlington, Ontario, Canada Public Library that was well done. It showed many different staff members and made them seem very friendly and approachable. I also enjoyed the music. Here is a link to the video:

I was surprised at how many libraries are posting things on YouTube! It is fun to take a look at the many things out there.

1 comment:

Greg Schwartz said...

Thanks for checking out Uncontrolled Vocabulary! I really appreciate it.